#3: Level editor

Pumpkin now has a semi-featured level editor. A few features are still missing, such as level resizing, but for the most part, you can now create, save, and test entire levels in the editor.

To use the editor, make sure you have logged in (a guest account works as well).

Create account
Witty caption here

Then, you can access the level editor in the menu.

That still is not the game logo!

You'll see the editor interface:

Editor interface
It's math time!

This is the entity selector. Press the corresponding number on your keyboard to select the entity you want to place:

  1. Wall
  2. Portal
  3. Finish
  4. Spawn
Entity selector
One of these does not belong...

To add the selected entity, left click anywhere on the grid to set the start position, then right click to place the entity in the desired end position.

Entity placement
Just like Geometry Dash, I think

Once placed, you can modify the entity's metadata further using the window on the right. If you close the window, you can click the entity in the grid to open it again.

You can also delete entities by right clicking on them.

Entity metadata
Place the entity before using that window!

Once you've created your level, you can Export the level, Load it again, or playTest it.

Some entities have unique metadata. Here is a list of them:

  • Portal
    • Color: The color of the portal is used to determine the portal's pair, that is, the portal you will be teleported to if you enter it. There can only be two portals with the same color in a level.
  • Finish
    • Index: The index determines the order finish blocks appear in the Classic game mode. For example, the first finish block in the level will be index 0.
  • Spawn
    • Index: The index determines the order of spawns in the Classic game mode. For example, the first spawn in the level will be index 0. Spawns and finishes with the same index will be linked.
    • Spawn delay: You can choose to delay the movement of a player in a certain spawn location. The spawn delay is in units of physics ticks, each of which is approximately 1 / 60th of a second. For example, if you set the spawn delay to 60, the player who spawns here will have to wait for one second before they can move. In the Classic game mode, they will also be invulnerable to failured during that time.

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